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Book Section
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Journal Article
Ibanez, Roberto, Richard Condit, George Angehr, Salomon Aguilar, Tomas Garcia, Raul Martinez, Amelia Sanjur, Robert Stallard, Joseph S Wright, Stanley A Rand, and Stanley Heckadon. "An ecosystem report on the Panama Canal: monitoring the status of the forest communities and the watershed." Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 80, no. 1 (2002): 65-95.
Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Pinzón Giraldo, Alvaro José. "Canales de búsqueda, duración del desempleo y salarios de enganche en Colombia." Universidad del Valle, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kapalanga S, Taimi. "Assessment and development of remote sensing based algorithms for water quality monitoring in Olushandja Dam, North-Central Namibia.." Master of Science, University of Zimbabwe, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Avelino S, Rodolfo. "O Canal de Retorno na TV Digital e as Estratégias para Universalização do Acesso a Internet." Título de Mestre, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2014.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Ahumada Lagares, Gustavo Adolfo, and Laura Daniela Penso Martinez. "Caracterizacion socioeconomica de la subregion del Canal del Dique." Economia y sociedad (2014).
Thesis or Dissertation
Labar, Sofiane. "Evaluation de la pollution des eaux souterraines dans un milieu industriel (Cas de la zone industrielle de Skikda, NE algérien)." Diplôme de Doctorat, Universite Badji Mokhtar-Annaba, 2009.
Journal Article
Condit, Richard, Douglas W Robinson, Roberto Ibáñez, Salomón Aguilar, Amelia Sanjur, Raúl Martínez, Robert F Stallard, Tomas García, George R Angehr, Lisa Petit, Tara R Robinson, and Stanley Heckadon. "The Status of the Panama Canal Watershed and Its Biodiversity at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Long-term ecological studies reveal a diverse flora and fauna near the Panama Canal, harbored within a corridor of forest stretching from the Caribbean." AIBS Bulletin 51, no. 5 (2001): 389-398.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gutiérrez Bedón, Priscila F, and Priscila F León Echeverría. "Propuesta para la Reactivación Productiva en el Area de Influencia del Canal de Riego Machángara Perteneciente a la Parroquia de Sinincay, Período 2010-2015." Bachelor Thesis, Universidad de Cuenca, 2010.
Thesis or Dissertation
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Conference Paper
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
Castillo Baldeón E, Saúl. "Diseño de una estrategia para optimizar el uso del comercio electrónico en el mercado Ecuatoriano en las Pymes aplicado a la ciudad de Quito." Titulo De Maestria, Universidad Internacional Del Ecuador, 2015.
Working Paper
Lapointe, Mélanie. "Aquatic insect and tree diversity in the Panama Canal Watershed: The role played by physical stream variables and socio-economic characteristics." Research in Panama 170-451, McGill School of the Environment (2003).
Thesis or Dissertation
Du Plessix C, Justin. "Examining a Social Cost-benefit Analysis of the Panama Canal Expansion Project." Degree of Master, Dalhousie University, 2011.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Altamirano Girano, Paula Angélica. "Factores de alto riesgo asociados a hemorragia postparto inmediato en el Hospital Maria Auxiliadora durante el 2009." Tesis para optar el Título Profesional De Médico Cirujano , Universidad Ricardo Palma. Facultad De Medicina Humana, 2014.
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Working Paper
Guillén, Elvia, and René de Gracia. "Panorama de la migración internacional, tendencias y aspectos distintivos de la inmigración y de la emigración." CEPAL - SERIE Seminarios y conferencias ().
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